Monday, April 6, 2009

Fence is going in!

Well we bought our Chain link fence. We ended up getting an unexpected refund from our insurance company that with some of Union Pacifics Railroad pay we were able to get a chain link fence for the backyard. It is vinyl coated (white) and it seems to be really nice. It was used so that helped. It only cost $2.58 for the materials so that really really helped as now we only need to buy the cement, metal ties and one more gate. Its going to be so nice for Cannon to be able to go in the back yard. Right now when I let him out he runs like a mad man and doesn't look back. He would be half way across town.

I have been getting over a cold this week, I hope to have pictures of baby lambs soon, but Oreo is still pregnant. We are pretty sure she has twins, she has gotten sooooo fat.

The kids just have weeks left of school. They are already making plans for the summer. Emily got registered for Kindergarten on Friday there is going to be 26 kids in her class!!

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