Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The numbers

Well its a start but its a sad start. I took my measurements tonight. I am so sad, I can't believe how much my body has changed this pregnancy. I am bigger than I have ever been in my life. The bedrest and weight gain of course were worth it for my baby, but still its a hard reality to accept.

Ankle: 9.5o inches
Calf: 16 inches
Thigh: 26 3/4 inches
Hips: 51 inches (wow)
Waist: 40 inches
Breasts: 45 1/2 inches (go milk boobies)
neck: 14 1/4 inches
Upper Arm: 13 1/2 inches

Arms and legs are the lefts. I will remeasure again in a month. I hope to see some changes.

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